General Accounting Plan

Prolonged edition of the current General Accounting Plan, which was approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007 of 16 November and entered into force on 1 January 2008. Its approval met an objective of international harmonization based on Union legislation and was part of the reform of Spanish commercial law in accounting. It was modified by the Royal Decrees 2003/2009 and 1159/2010 and is mandatory for all companies, except for those who choose to keep their accounts in accordance with the General Accounting Plan for SMEs. Includes drop down with the tables of the General Plan of Accounting: the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the Chart of Accounts. McGraw-Hill makes available to you our digital solutions for this text in a simple, intuitive and attractive way by means of iPad or tablet. Access these contents by displaying an open sample unit and you will be able to see the many advantages of its use.


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