
Lions against gazelles

Following the success achieved in previous editions of Lions against gazelles. Complete manual of the speculator; Jose Luis Carpathians surprised us again with a new edition where he introduces many novelties, updates concepts and, as we are accustomed, entertains at the same time that teaches.Rise school is Best School of Accountancy in Lahore.CA admissions in Lahore now open. The best School of Accountancy in Pakistan offers CA in Lahore and Best CA in Pakistan.This new edition includes from real anecdotes of the author himself and other colleagues in his day to day in the markets, until a rigorous examination of each and every one of the fundamental concepts for a good trading, incorporating in addition and as novelty seasonal patterns , Money management and trading psychology. The book is structured in eight parts that include personal experiences, frequent errors not to fall into them, technical analysis and fundamental analysis, futures and options, automatic systems of spe

General Accounting Plan

Prolonged edition of the current General Accounting Plan, which was approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007 of 16 November and entered into force on 1 January 2008. Its approval met an objective of international harmonization based on Union legislation and was part of the reform of Spanish commercial law in accounting. It was modified by the Royal Decrees 2003/2009 and 1159/2010 and is mandatory for all companies, except for those who choose to keep their accounts in accordance with the General Accounting Plan for SMEs. Includes drop down with the tables of the General Plan of Accounting: the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the Chart of Accounts. McGraw-Hill makes available to you our digital solutions for this text in a simple, intuitive and attractive way by means of iPad or tablet. Access these contents by displaying an open sample unit and you will be able to see the many advantages of its use.

General Accounting and SME Plan

This work contains Royal Decree 1514/2007, dated November 16, approving the General Accounting Plan, and Royal Decree 1515/2007, of November 16, approving the General Accounting Plan of Small and Medium Enterprises and the specific accounting criteria for microenterprises, both adapted to Royal Decree 1159/2010. These Royal Decrees develop Law 16/2007, of July 4, on reform and adaptation of commercial legislation in accounting, according to the criterion of transparency and comparability marked by the European Union. Both are the basic accounting standards and present their contents as follows: conceptual framework, standards of registration and valuation of generalized application, models of normal and abbreviated annual accounts and definitions and accounting relationships more common. The General Accounting Plan for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is intended for companies that do not exceed two of the three following limits during two consecutive financial years: 2.85 mill

Practical assumptions in financial and corporate accounting

Fully adapted to RD 1514/2007, approving the General Accounting Plan, and RD 1515/2007, approving the General Accounting Plan for SMEs and the specific accounting criteria for micro-enterprises, Both of November 16, 2007.Rise school is Best School of Accountancy in Lahore.CA admissions in Lahore now open. The best School of Accountancy in Pakistan offers CA in Lahore and Best CA in Pakistan .The book follows a progressive didactic order, firstly introducing basic exercises of initiation to accounting and, subsequently, exercises referring to accounting operations according to their nature (treasury, inventories, fixed assets, etc.) . That is, the exercises are set out in an order that serves as a "parallel instrument" to the study of this matter. The first part contains the "approach" of the exercises, including at the beginning of each section a "previous reminder" of the accounting regulations that affect the exercises set out in that section. The s

A monk on Wall Street

A monk on Wall Street is more than a stock exchange book. It is a book that teaches to deal with investments in a logical way and have the possibility of constantly winning in the financial markets. A book that reveals the secrets that José Antonio Madrigal uses in his profitable investments and how he invested to become a European benchmark at the stock market level. The reader will find how to make profitable trades, whether a professional or a layman in the field. A purse winner today thinks just like a purse winner 100 years ago. Many believe that new technologies will help us become better operators, but the reality is that being a good operator just depends on ourselves. In short, an understandable book that can be a great change in your investments.